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Expanding the horizon of taste for everyone interested in food and drink

'Pick Your Pour' is a unique digital menu that opens up a world of new taste experiences with just a few keystrokes.
We have decided to make it easy and efficient for all guests to order something they like - away with confusing names and unknown ingredients on the menu!
Through a series of customized questions, 'Pick Your Pour' will tailor a personal menu based on what each customer wants. This saves both time and effort, and creates a positive customer experience in your restaurant or bar.

Our goal is to be a valuable tool for both the professionals in the service industry and its guests.
We start with cocktails!

The product idea comes from the desire to let curious customers explore new cocktails and enjoy the result.
We want to combine efficiency and customer interaction.

We are currently developing software with a digital menu for restaurants and bars that aims to increase their sales of beverages and develop their knowledge of cocktails.

A digital menu, in addition to saving time and reducing production costs, enables rapid change with an intuitive and user-friendly design.

'Pick Your Pour' can be used in several ways -

Waiter standing at a table talking to guest

Table service: The waiter can use the digital menu as a guideline to recommend the perfect cocktail.

Woman holding her cellphone while drinking a cocktail

QR code: Here guests have easy access to the digital menu with tailor-made suggestions and the opportunity to order on their own.

Bartender talking to guests sitting at the bar

Bar service: The bartender can use the digital menu as a tool to find suitable suggestions for guests who are unsure of what they want to order.

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